Polish Heritage Society
The Polish Heritage Society (PHS) is a sub-committee of the Suffield Historical Society. Its mission is to learn about, preserve, and perpetuate the history and culture of the Polish immigrants who started coming here in the late 1800s. Meetings are held periodically and will be announced in The Suffield Observer, The Journal Inquirer, and on the Suffield Polish Heritage Facebook page. Topics include Polish art and traditions, genealogy, family stories, and histories. The PHS is always open to suggestions of pertinent issues or speakers. All are welcome to attend meetings.
Ongoing projects
A Family Tree of Suffield Polonia
A collection of family stories and histories
Census research of Suffield Polonia
Transcription of voice recordings from meetings
A PastPerfect database of photographs

Contact the Polish Heritage Society
Feel free to reach out to us by email at suffieldpolams@gmail.com, or use the form below: