Become a member

We are a group individuals and families, who share an interest in American history in general and New England history in particular.

The Suffield Historical Society was formed in 1940 by a group of people interested in preserving Suffield history. In 1960 the Society was given the Alexander King House by Samuel Spencer. Meetings are held throughout the year with lectures, historical entertainments, and other programs. The public is always invited.

Membership benefits


Receive the Stony Brook Currents newsletter three times a year, filled with Suffield history

Welcoming community

Learn and socialize with like-minded friends and neighbors

Apply for membership

Apply online, or print out a membership form below. Mail the form along with your check to:

Suffield Historical Society
PO Box 893
Suffield, CT 06078

Apply by mail

Download the PDF form to your device

Apply online